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Members of Education and Training Committee of Authority
The Legal Services Regulatory Authority invites applications from suitably qualified and experienced candidates for four vacancies for appointment as “ordinary members” (non-chair) of the LSRA’s Section 16 Education and Training Committee.
The Section 16 Education and Training Committee is a committee of the Authority established under section 16 of the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 (as amended) to assist the Authority in delivering functions related to the education and training of legal practitioners.
The Section 16 Education and Training Committee’s key role will be in assisting with the preparation work for the delivery of key recommendations made by the Authority in its report to the Minister “Setting Standards: Legal Practitioner Education and Training”.
The full report can be found here:
A member of the section 16 committee shall hold office for a period of 15 months from the date of appointment and may be eligible for reappointment as a member subject to the appropriate sanction and approval being received from the Department of Justice and the Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform.
In appointing members of the Section 16 Education and Training Committee, the Authority must be satisfied that those members are independent of the professional bodies as defined by the 2015 Act i.e. the Law Society, the Honorable Society of King’s Inns and Bar Council (Bar of Ireland).
All candidates must also demonstrate knowledge of, and expertise in at an appropriately senior level, one or more of the following:
- higher education or the training of members of a profession;
- the design, delivery and quality assurance of education and training;
- the maintenance of standards in professions regulated by a statutory body;
- the carrying out of inspections;
- the provision of legal services;
- the needs of consumers of legal services; or
- business and commercial matters.
How to Apply
Applications should be made by email to [email protected] and the closing date for applications is noon (12pm) on 7 March 2025.
Please submit the following:
- A cover letter expressing your interest and outlining your suitability and relevant experience for the role, as per the specification above, of no more than two A4 pages.
- A detailed supporting CV of no more than four A4 pages.
Candidates must be legally entitled to work in Ireland at the time of application.
Candidates must evidence that they are independent of the professional bodies as defined by the 2015 Act i.e. the Law Society, the Honorable Society of King’s Inns and the Bar Council (Bar of Ireland).
Comhaltaí de Choiste Oideachais agus Oiliúna an Údaráis
Iarrann an tÚdarás Rialála Seirbhísí Dlí iarratais ó iarrthóirí a bhfuil na cáilíochtaí cuí agus an taithí chuí acu do cheithre fholúntas ar a gceapadh mar “ghnáthchomhaltaí” (nach cathaoirligh iad) ar Choiste Oideachais agus Oiliúna alt 16 de chuid ÚRSD.
Is é is Coiste Oideachais agus Oiliúna alt 16 ann ná coiste de chuid an Údaráis a bunaíodh faoi alt 16 den Acht um Rialáil Seirbhísí Dlí, 2015 (arna leasú), chun cabhrú leis an Údarás feidhmeanna a chomhlíonadh a bhaineann leis an oideachas agus an oiliúint dlí-chleachtóirí.
Is é a bheidh sa phríomhról a bheidh ag Coiste Oideachais agus Oiliúna alt 16 ná cabhrú leis an obair ullmhúcháin le haghaidh sholáthar na bpríomh-mholtaí a rinne an tÚdarás sa tuarascáil uaidh don Aire dar teideal “Caighdeáin a Shocrú: An tOideachas agus an Oiliúint Dlí-Chleachtóirí’.
Is féidir an tuarascáil iomlán a fháil anseo:
Beidh comhalta de choiste alt 16 i seilbh oifige ar feadh tréimhse 15 mhí ó dháta a cheaptha nó a ceaptha agus is féidir go mbeidh sé nó sí incháilithe le haghaidh athcheapadh mar chomhalta faoi réir cead agus ceadú cuí a bheith faighte ón Roinn Dlí agus Cirt agus ón Roinn Caiteachais Phoiblí, Seachadta ar an bPlean Forbartha Náisiúnta, agus Athchóirithe.
Le linn comhaltaí a cheapadh chun bheith ina gcomhaltaí de Choiste Oideachais agus Oiliúna alt 16, ní mór don Údarás a bheith deimhin de go bhfuil na comhaltaí sin neamhspleách ar na comhlachtaí gairmiúla a shainítear le hAcht 2015, i.e., an Dlí-Chumann, Cumann Onórach Óstaí an Rí agus Comhairle an Bharra (Barra na hÉireann).
Ní mór do gach iarrthóir freisin a thaispeáint go bhfuil eolas acu, agus go bhfuil saineolas acu ar leibhéal sinsearach cuí, ar cheann amháin nó níos mó de na nithe seo a leanas:
- ardoideachas, nó oiliúint a chur ar chomhaltaí de ghairm;
- oideachas agus oiliúint a dhearadh agus a sholáthar agus dearbhú cáilíochta a dhéanamh ina leith;
- caighdeáin a chothabháil i ngairmeacha a ndéanann comhlacht reachtúil rialáil orthu;
- iniúchtaí a dhéanamh;
- seirbhísí dlí a sholáthar;
- na riachtanais atá ag tomhaltóirí seirbhísí dlí; nó
- nithe gnó agus tráchtála.
Conas Iarratas a Dhéanamh
Ba cheart iarratais a chur isteach go leictreonach le ríomhphost chuig [email protected]. Is é meán lae (12pm) an 7 Márta 2025 an dáta deiridh ar a nglacfar le hiarratais.
Cuir an méid seo a leanas isteach:
- Litir chumhdaigh nach mó ná dhá leathanach A4 ina gcuirfear in iúl do spéis sa ról agus ina dtabharfar breac-chuntas ar d’oiriúnacht agus do thaithí ábhartha don ról, de réir na sonraíochta thuas.
- Agus CV mionsonraithe tacaíochta nach mó ná ceithre leathanach A4.
Ní mór d’iarrthóirí teidlíocht dhlíthiúil a bheith acu i leith obair in Éirinn tráth an iarratais.
Ní mór d’iarrthóirí fianaise a thabhairt á léiriú go bhfuil siad neamhspleách ar na comhlachtaí gairmiúla a shainítear le hAcht 2015, i.e., an Dlí-Chumann, Cumann Onórach Óstaí an Rí agus Comhairle an Bharra (Barra na hÉireann).