Press Release

LSRA report shows 595 complaints received and 596 complaints closed in six month period

2023-06-20T10:24:43+00:00April 6th, 2023|

LSRA report shows 595 complaints received and 596 complaints closed in six month period Regulator encourages parties to resolve services and costs complaints informally Press Release: Thursday 6 April 2023 The Legal Services Regulatory Authority (LSRA) today [Thursday 6 April] publishes its first complaints report for 2023 which shows it received 595 complaints about legal practitioners [...]

LSRA report shows 778 complaints received and 754 complaints closed in six month period

2022-11-28T14:52:44+00:00November 18th, 2022|

Regulator advises legal practitioners to comply with its directions or face High Court enforcement action Press release: Friday 18 November 2022 The Legal Services Regulatory Authority (LSRA) today publishes its second complaints report for 2022 which shows it received 778 complaints about legal practitioners in a six month period, with 754 complaints closed. The report [...]

Legal Services Regulatory Authority Publishes Annual Report on Admissions 2021

2022-09-19T13:04:53+00:00July 7th, 2022|

The Legal Services Regulatory Authority today publishes its third annual report on the admission policies of the legal professions. The report, Pathways to the Professions 2021: Annual Report on Admission Policies of the Legal Professions, documents the number of persons admitted to practise as both solicitors and barristers in 2021, based on figures supplied to [...]

Legal Services Regulatory Authority Publishes Annual Report 2021

2022-09-14T13:45:35+00:00June 17th, 2022|

The Legal Services Regulatory Authority (LSRA) today publishes its Annual Report for 2021, providing an overview of its performance and outputs for the year. The LSRA is the independent statutory body responsible for the regulation of legal services provision. The year 2021 was the second full year that the LSRA operated as the independent complaints [...]

LSRA report shows 822 complaints received and 811 complaints closed in six month period

2022-09-20T08:43:21+00:00April 7th, 2022|

Legal practitioners reminded of LSRA rules on advertising of legal services Press release: Thursday 7 April 2022 The Legal Services Regulatory Authority (LSRA) today publishes its first complaints report for 2022 which shows it received 822 complaints about legal practitioners in a six month period, with 811 complaints closed. The report provides details of the [...]

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