Press Release

List of 37 legal practitioners to be granted title of Senior Counsel

2022-09-20T12:03:07+00:00September 3rd, 2020|

Details of 37 legal practitioners who are to be granted the title of Senior Counsel have today been published. The list comprises 20 barristers and 17 solicitors whose names have been approved by the Government following the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on the grant of Patents of Precedence. The grant of a Patent of [...]

First complaints report shows 636 complaints

2022-09-20T12:14:42+00:00April 7th, 2020|

The Legal Services Regulatory Authority (LSRA) today publishes the first of its bi-annual reports on complaints against solicitors and barristers, which shows that it received 636 complaints in the first five months of the new independent complaints handling regime. Today’s report is based on complaints since 7th October 2019 when the LSRA began receiving and [...]

LSRA Annual Report 2019 – New Complaints Regime Begins

2022-09-20T12:20:26+00:00March 3rd, 2020|

The Legal Services Regulatory Authority (LSRA) today publishes its 2019 Annual Report which provides an overview of its performance and outputs for the year, including its new role in handling public complaints relating to solicitors and barristers. The LSRA is the independent statutory body responsible for the regulation of legal services provision and it began [...]

LSRA addresses Oireachtas Committee hearing on legal costs

2022-09-20T12:28:51+00:00December 18th, 2019|

The Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice and Equality heard today from the LSRA in relation to the issue of legal costs. In an opening statement and submission to the Committee, the LSRA's chief executive officer Dr Brian Doherty outlined the work of the Authority with a particular focus on its statutory remit in relation to [...]

LSRA issues Professional Indemnity Insurance regulations for barristers

2022-09-20T12:29:51+00:00November 19th, 2019|

The Legal Services Regulatory Authority has issued regulations regarding the professional indemnity insurance required by practising barristers. The Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 (Professional Indemnity Insurance) Regulations 2019 set minimum terms and conditions for professional indemnity insurance that all practising barristers must comply with. There are exceptions within the regulations for practising barristers who provide [...]

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